Articles tagged as " period "

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Does spotting caused by IUD break fast?

I have the IUD with the hormone means I don’t have my period only spots varies from little to good amount from dark brown to bloody. Should I consider this period or sickness blood? Should I fast in this situation? 8.4.2012 00:57

Is It Permissible to Use Period-Delaying Pills?

Is it permissible to use period-delaying pills in order to fast fully during the Ramadan month? 6.4.2011 00:38


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illiyyun leaving the masjid during itikaf order of the ayahs kiraman katibin hadith about repentance miracles of Jesus ghusl on jumuah baraat men imitating women maintaining the ties of kinship things that break fast importance of fasting ashura dajjal women voice in ıslam meccan chapters ejaculation due to look during fast young muslims severing family ties brother rab modesty will of allah to pray for nonbeliever geology relationship through phone shawwal or qada hamd servant cleaning najasa before salah sajda recite into ear prerequisites of prayer missing the asr prayer compulsory prayers wudu while fasting pillars of fast qur'an shaitan significance of fasting moses spirit iman relations with people of book salvation importance of Muslim unity funeral prayer hatred miracle one qurbani sufficient for the fmily prophethood duty dream progress four wives hasan shape poor temperature get blood drawn during fast the difference of sunnah khalifah Corselle madhmadha while fasting khutba sujud stolen goods sadaqah al fitr noor polygamy belief in destiny eight doomed medical aspect of fasting reading Surah al Kahf on friday scriptures ramadan hilal qa'da ayah and hadith about shafaah when to make niyyah for fast analogy tashrik takbir yazid extra surah get married sperm lost goods bible recitation importance of fasting muharram dress during salah reaction to backbiting using perfume on friday islamic greeting why facing the kaba proof of god ayahs on hajj shirk in love ask for forgiveness dark zakat for merchandise calender

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