" Hajj (Pilgrimage) "
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Can The Skin Of The Sacrficed Animal Be Given To The Butcher As His Wage?
Is it permissible to give the skin of the sacrificed animal to the butcher as his wage?
Qurban (the sacrificed animal) is totally offered to Allah (swt). The wage of butcher cannot be given from the meat of the qurban.
Hadrat Ali (ra) said: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) commanded me to take care of the sacrifice and to give its meat, skin and raiment (covering used for protection) in charity, and not to give anything of it to the butcher as wage. He said, ‘We will give him something from what we have.’” (Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nesai)
“Neither the skin nor the meat of the sacrificed animal can be sold or be exchanged with food or drink. It can be exchanged with something usable. If it is sold, the price must be given as alms (sadaqa). It can’t be paid as a wage to the butcher.” (Sunan-i Abu Dawud)
It is makruh (disliked) to benefit from the milk of the sacrificed animal, to sell its meat or its skin and take its money or exchange them with something that is not fixed asset. If it is done, the price must be given as alms (sadaqa). The wage of the butcher is not given from the qurbani. (sacrificed animal) (The Big Islamic Catechism)
It is not permissible to benefit from the sacrificed animal by selling it
“The one who sells the skin of the qurban cannot earn the whole thawab of his qurban.” (Hakim)
“Selling the meat, the fat, the head, the hair, the milk and etc. of the qurban is not permissible. If they were sold, the price must be given as alms. (tasadduq)” (Fatawa-i Hindiyye) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Can The Skin Of The Sacrficed Animal Be Given To The Butcher As His Wage?