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uninformed people ayah for easy delivery madhabs lawh al mahfuz prooves of quran eligible for zakat obeying the orders of allah praying in the graveyard intervening stage prayer of thanks ayat al kursi dua and destiny british museum man why is quran arabic fasting on ashura order fasting under compulsion fasting during long days analogy Quran and western thinkers Quran and western philosophers consept of allah ask a foreteller for help kabbalah gossip haram salah on a chair penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally allah has no beginning ummah friday adolesence zakat for loan madhmadha drinking trouble test fair verses salah zakat to other countries rhetorical sermon to break fast intentionally tarawih shukr prayer premarital relationship forgiveness desires in jannah Islam's view on women Loqman importance of salam arkan al islam sending blessings on prophet commerce arafa day allah created adam in his image nimrod intention nafilah provider non-changeable destiny iddah lying to make people laugh isra death is a part of life islamic greeting good deeds holiday islamic calendar intercession importance of sending blessings reason of miraj 61 days butcher past eternal people of book is destiny fixed belief in prophets family oblige darkness dejavu zakat and solidarity rights of parents hormonal disorder marriage in shaban euthanasia merits of shaban bathroom dogs blessed month speed alawis justice to children amala-i mumassil Muaz Bin Jabal benefits of belief in qadar dua of visiting the graveyard

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