Articles tagged as " pillars of ıslam "

Totally 5 articles have been tagged as " pillars of ıslam "

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What are the Basic Beliefs of Islam?

What are the fundamental beliefs in Islam? 1.1.2013 16:43

Is Jihad a pillar of Islam?

What are the pillars of Islam? Some say “Jihad” is a pillar of Islam and Kalima Shahadah is not. Is that true? 9.30.2012 22:34

What is the ruling of Hajj in Islam?

The worship of Hajj is fard (obligatory) for each Muslim who can afford 7.11.2012 17:14

What Are The Five Pillars of Islam?

3.23.2011 23:50

What is Salah (Prayer)?

What does "salah" mean? 4.7.2010 22:45


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