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Allah Is Not Dependent on His Angels

Though Allah is Omnipotent, why He gets angels to do the works in the universe? 1.11.2011 23:43


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respect for parents Quran and thinkers brother prophet's month fasting in war twahab for umra in ramadan female inheritance in Islam hurmat-i musahara wage of the butcher fasting in muharram plugging eyebrows new muslim changes name rabial akhir safar qadar in hadiths pillars of sawm srebrenica genocide how to spend the ramadan in the best way (pbuh) truthfulness shape book dua of visiting the graveyard hypocrisy model person zakat for savings menstruating women visiting graveyards tafsir Isa will come back messenger merciful importance of praying at night obliged to hajj splitting the moon angel of death partner ashura does bath break fast changeable destiny husband importance of istighfar oneness of god heritage menstruation fasting girl raped dhulhijja hands below the navel in salah festival bad omen in safar blessed nights conscience masjid virtue of tarawih rhetorical archangels shii rajab reward for fasting ashura past eternal sunnahs of jummah worship of an alcohol drinker illness martyrdom lailat al baraat welcoming ramadan toilet manners zakat for trading goods jinns dar-ul khuld gain thawab karbala why to learn islam women in Judaism intention for ramadan pagan feel in the presence of Allah improvement latin progress obligatory demon who can receive zakat ikhtiyari qadar hadith about hajj dua ayahs unmarriageable female relatives fasting in the moth of shawwal pure heart shaban Shuaib month of ummah prove difference between quran and sunnah unbeliever women in Islam reward for hajj cure for masturbation dress during salah sahaba christian

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