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demon prophet dua for hidayah womb poor join prayers cleaning teeth while fasting mikael azrael changeable destiny great sins fard al-ayn makruhs in toilet marital activity invalidating fast dua for guidance montenegro allah love mother paradise christmas night eligible for zakat woman clothing eid al adha doomed night of power reaction to backbiting blood transfusion Ishaq fasting girl sexual intercourse zayd angels in the ayahs risalei nur jund-u subhani nonmuslim neighboor greeting our beloved prophet’s routine affairs hand physical body of god iman overcome jealousy muslim women wearing jeans umm-ul kitaab plot mischief hajj in ayahs and hadiths prostration of thankfulness unlimited omnipotence non-believer keeping dogs at home isa verse menstruating women visiting graveyards mecca karbala provision injustice what breaks itikaf islamic perpective on lying types of backbiting arkan al islam close eyes during salah message of ashura relations with people of book fasting 9th of muharram dark conscience men imitating women zakat in islamic civilization shahadah istighfar not talking for three days jacop organ penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally things breaking fast informing future greece eating fish praying in the graveyard pill maun animal treatment in ıslam bosnian war ıslamic-law balaghat worship in itikaf good deeds reading Surah al Kahf on friday akhirah interrogation mani hashr medicine gabriel shuhh basics of Islam 165 verse of Baqara wear a cross marital relations

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