Articles tagged as " hikmah "

Totally 3 articles have been tagged as " hikmah "

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Abrogation of Some of the Ayahs

It seems there are three types of abrogations. 1. Verses which were abrogated, but the orders in them are still practiced e.g., stoning an adulterer. 2. Verses which were not abrogated from the Quran, but the orders in them were abrogated e.g., drinking. 3. Verses which were removed from the Quran; the orders given in them were also abrogated e.g. confining the accused (of adultery) woman at home. The second type is easily understood. The first and third are not. Allah can't make a mistake. Why were verses abrogated or orders removed? 8.20.2010 03:10

Is Man Doomed to his Destiny?

Do we live what is predetermined for us? 7.3.2009 23:49

Why did God Send Prophets?

Do people need prophets? Why did God send prophets? 12.4.2012 11:45


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blessed nights importance of ramadan convert changes name zakat for committed money keeping dogs maltreatmant toward parents prophets’ supplications covenant commit sin mawa equal door asr hadith ask a magician for help virtue of shaban entitled to receive zakat seek knowledge blessed days telling lies listening to adhan fatimi pillars of ıslam prayer of thanks naseehah miracle fasting six days of shawwal shortest period of itikaf crack of dawn sacrifice evidence of allah alcoholic beverage red sea pill adam coherence salutation shaitan harmony wakil four caliphs intention for ramadan one udhiyya for family fall in love in ıslam illness fast of an ill person in ramadan to keep chastity changeable destiny azil botox zakat to non muslims name to pray for nonbeliever zakat for trading goods tenet halal divorce returning rights to the owners marriage gods form Ishaq female inheritance in Islam barzakh dhulhijjah gospel sadaqa al fitr Quran and philosophers lailat al baraat marriage in shaban rows of a congregational prayer compulsory to seek knowledge when miraj happened polytheism greeting women Orientalist Sedio evil cream with alcohol food multiplication dhulkarnayn hajj in ayahs and hadiths hijra fall in love conditions breaking fast solutions for masturbation envier cleaning najasa before salah lie qıyamah forgiveness of an infidel devil malaika pardon malak Goethe Quran recitation seek laylat al qadr creatures in the quran sunnah al muakkada congregational prayer boy girl relationship on phone hadrat

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