Articles tagged as " istighfar "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " istighfar "

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Question about Sin and Repentance

I have a question ,I don't remember whether I've commited a sin or not what should I do? Should I think I have done it? 4.3.2013 13:42

What is istighfar? What is its importance in Islam?

What does istighfar mean? What are the virtues of istighfar? 9.27.2012 11:04


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progress breaking the fast ablution while fasting ruling on tarawih where is god controversy value of nisab salam islamic greeting love jamarat impact of name conscience proofs of .Jesus returning to apply moisturiser during fast permanent tattoo prerequisites of prayer azil spoiled fast language of divine books basics of Islam arsh birthday od the prophet being in an environment where there is backbiting intention of fast virtues of jummah fasting during breastfeeding alignment of the heels to straighten the row one qurbani on behalf of the household la ilaha illallah istinshaq hadith about tawba kafir shortest period of itikaf iman brotherhood in Islam zoology evil arafa Ibrahim ask for forgiveness miracles of Jesus model forgiveness of an infidel wage of the butcher miser intercession with ayah and hadith companion rakahs of tarawih eat halal rasul minor sin authentic chores of the prophet feast days ayahs about reatives listening to adhan dua for birth pain seven eloquence hadiths about the date of miraj nonmuslim men makrooh women voice in ıslam funeral qadar thanks tawba civilization chemistry i'jaz sin answer to prayer mawlid cross rights of a husband in Islam chapter the last day of dhulhijja prove the existence of god intermediate state fard parts of salah aquarium muharramat praying tarawih in congregation treatise weighing the deeds book bad deeds revelation jiin submission justice joking in Islam importance of name joseph good deeds hijrah sunnahs of jummah gods form materialism

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