Articles tagged as " zakat to Islamic organizations "

Totally 1 articles have been tagged as " zakat to Islamic organizations "

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Can I pay my zakat for a masjid building?

Can i give zakat for mashjid building development? 9.5.2012 16:46


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mind abondening sunnah Dr. Johnson combine prayers age of mukallaf hisab fatimi bath on friday perform prayer in unison with congregation ayahs about lying to pray for polytheist supplication duties of a wife in islam fall in love water our beloved prophet’s routine affairs hayd dress with image menstruation fasting in war period of fatrat ramadan-al-mubarak true love eid-ul adha makrooh period of iddah to change name eid prayer sadaqa and fate zakat and solidarity kaffarah for ramadan ısrafel character doomed crucifiction ayah about five daily prayers rain prayer smoking hadith about repentance arrogance expiation of ramadan fast progress month of rajab wahy agent angels semen during fast parents of muhammad entitled to receive zakat madhmadha while fasting justice hairless why believe in destiny nonmuslim men ask the deceased for help albania acceptance of dua lying to make people laugh tags: food wife and mother salam recommended acts of worship in ramadan how to spend the ramadan in the best way expressions of respect celebrating mawlid an-nabi ask a magician for help conditions breaking fast zakaat fiqh ihsan allah created adam in his image qadar in ayahs quitting ramadan fasting evidence of god muslim countries Rodwell Quran and western thinkers technology purpose of dress importance of fasting muharram i'jaz the last day of dhulhijja ramadan karem obligatory star hijrah marriage to break fast intentionally compulsory prayers conveyance pardon taking care of elderly parents pagan pray jew yazid greet tarawih atheism

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