Articles tagged as " sunni "

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List of Muslim Countries According to Their Madhabs

Can you please explain which Muslim countries follow which madhab? 4.18.2011 23:50

Is It Appropriate to Eat from the Alawi People?

Is it appropriate to eat what is served in an Alawi friend’s house? Is it lawful and halal? 9.27.2010 10:45


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witr prayer hadith about magic alcoholic beverage prominent trade in alcohol ramad justice to children Ismail journey swimming while fasting allah naeem brotherhood zakat to friend muslims and racism oneness of allah muayada nimrod soothsayer : provision of fast breast-feeding breaking fast our beloved prophet’s routine affairs essentials of tawbah disrespect to parents umrah fishkeeping things that break fast bosnia convert changes name does destiny change trait solutions for waswas medical aspect of fasting relation during engagement zakaah al fitr shape jinns Maryam in Quran to pray for nonbeliever waiting period expressions of respect animals blessing compulsory prayers importance of salam pillars of sawm according to four madhabs greet door dua for waswasa gibril adhan angels have no gender laylat ul qadr predetermination balkans wive's property in Islam hanafi memorizer ayahs on hajj body process of fiqh laylat al baraat song zamm-i surah month of ummah adultery hesitation solutions for waswasa hands below the navel in salah firdaws surah after fatiha depart mina early God watches us defending the person they are backbiting about umm-ul kitaab Isa will come back 19-22 verses of Najm jurisprudence qadar in hadiths zakat for plot disaster colour of fire women do muslims turn to god during salah reasons of backbiting fate hadith about repentance muslim woman voice risalei nur pay zakat to masjid shukr prayer miswak while fasting smoking born future flag scale tahiyyat to break ramadan fast a few times

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