" Prophets " No comments


 Model Person, Model Society-1

Following the Footprints of the Prophet (pbuh)...

In today’s world, there is unfortunately not an ideal Muslim society which has been shaped by the divine principles of the Holy Qur’an and the way Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) governed. Thus nations of the world cannot see a living model society inspired by the Companions of Prophet. Even though there are some societies trying to implement Islamic law and Islamic education, it is still far beyond to name them as a ‘model society of Islam’.


Sunnah is actions, expressions and confirmations of our Prophet (PBUH) related to every walks of life extending from etiquette of eating and drinking to the state administration. Sunnah encompasses the social, individual and family life as a whole.
To comprehend the sunnah, which encircles the every walks of life, better we can divide it into three parts as “worship”, “good moral”, and “practice”.
It is told about the Prophet (PBUH) as “servant, human being and Messenger” in many verses of the Holy Qur’an. The Prophet (PBUH) is a servant of Allah (SWT) with worship which he did for the sake of Allah (SWT); and he is a human being with his relationship with the other people and with his good moral; and he is a Messenger with his duty of receiving the wahy (the holy revelation) and practicing and disseminating it within the society.
We, to be honoured as being his ummah, should remember these three aspects of him when we contemplate on “the Sunnah of the Prophet” and we should take him as sample for us in terms of these three aspects. As much as we can do, we should perform the worships which he did and should adopt his good moral which Allah (SWT) praised thus: “thou keepest indeed to a sublime way of life”. As best as we can do, we should learn the rules, disseminate and teach them. Otherwise, we cannot claim that we obey the sunnah to the full extent only observing the supererogatory and adab worships
In the world of today, when it is told about the sunnah, people often think of the etiquette of eating and drinking. (the sunnahs such as using miswaq, donning the turban, reciting basmala beginning the meal makes up a little compartment of our life). Of course, sunnahs concerning drinking and eating are sunnahs and they should be observed but while caring about details we should not neglect the basics.
Let’s suppose that we obey the adab sunnahs but we do not follow the sunnahs concerning moral, invitation to Islam and practicing it which we mentioned above, then can we claim that we obeyed the sunnah at full length? For example, are we able to control our anger when we get angry? Are we able to forgive the faults of our Muslim brothers? To control our anger, to forgive our brothers’ faults are all sunnah. Remember that when the Prophet (PBUH) conquered the Mecca city, he forgave the polytheist people who had treated him as enemy for twenty years. Are we able to show forgiveness for our brothers which he showed for his enemies?
Our Prophet (PBUH) was told about a woman. “such-and-such woman prays at nights and fasts in days but disturbs her neighbours with her tongue.” The Prophet (PBUH) said “there is no any goodness in her, she is in fire (in Hell).” And then they talked about another woman : “such-and-such woman performs only fardh (obligatory) prayers, and fasts in month of Ramadan, and gives a piece of cheese as alms but she does not disturb anybody with her tongue.” The Prophet (PBUH) said for her “she is in Paradise.” (Ahmed, c.2.s.440, Hakim, c.4.s.183 [Turkish])
If we pay attention to this narration, even though someone worships a lot, if s/he does not show a good moral, s/he cannot be a good servant.
In the world of today, the ones who only worship and do not fulfill the task of invitation people to Islam are in category of those who misunderstand the sunnah. Imam Ghazzali narrates such a hadith in his book Ihya: “Community of a country including 80 thousand people who prayed like the Prophets were tormented.” When asked “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH) “How did it happen?” he responded: “They did not get angry for the sake of Allah (SWT) (to the evils and denials which were commited) and they did not invite people to goodness and prevent them from commiting evils.”
We confront to the people who do not concieve the sunnah as a whole and observe the sunnah partially (worship and adab [manners]) and oppose it in other points such as good moral and invitation. They think that they live by sunnah and they are pious people. (We also do not think differently.) However, they take reward for the part of the sunnah which they practice but they commit to sin and to be held responsible for the part of sunnah which they oppose. Furthermore, they cause a false devoutness (or false concept of sunnah) to be spread in society.
Our Prophet (PBUH) spoke “When my ummah deteriorates, the ones who follow my sunnah obtain the rewards of a hundred martyrs” (Bayhaki). This hadith shows us the easiest and quickest way of gaining the approval of Allah (SWT). But, to gain this reward it is necessary to comprehend and live by sunnah as a whole with its aspects of “worships”, “good moral” and “invitation to Islam”, instead of understanding and practicing it half and deficiently. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Model Person, Model Society-1
By Idris FERID- The Pen Magazine

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