" Sawm (Fasting) " No comments


 Why Should I Get up for Sahur (last portion of the night)?

What happens if I wish to fast without doing sahur? Is there any loss?


“Do sahur even with a sip of water!” (Abu Ya’la)

(Sahur meal is blessed. The whole of sahur is blessing. Get up for sahur even if you drink just a sip of water. Allahu ta'ala and His angels shower salat and salam upon those who get up for sahur.) [Imam-i Ahmad]

People who eat sahur meal will not be called to account

(Providing that what they eat is halal [lawful], three people will not be called to account: a person who fasts, a person who eats sahur meal, and a person who keeps guard in the way of Allah.) [Nasai]

There is blessing (barakah) in sahur

(Get up for sahur; there is blessing in it.) [Bukhari]
(Aid yourselves in fasting by eating a meal at sahur.) [Bayhaqi]
(Getting up for sahur meal is a blessing that Allah has bestowed upon you. Do not miss it.) [Nasai]
(Certainly sahur meal is blessed.) [Ibn Hibban]
(Have sahur meal even if it is just a morsel because there is blessing in it.) [Daylami]

There is rahmah in sahur

(Allahu ta'ala showers mercy upon those who get up for sahur.) [Tabarani]

It is Sunnah to have dates in sahur

(How excellent are dates as a Believer's sahur.) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Why Should I Get up for Sahur (last portion of the night)? [Abu Dawud]

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