" Prophets "
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What Kind of Miracles Did Prophet Muhammad Perform?
Can you tell us some of the miracles that our Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) performed?
His Quran Miracle
His Miracle of Isra & Miraj
Splitting the Moon
Informing about the future
Food multiplication
Water runs from his fingers like fountain
Water multiplication
Tree's listening his orders
Crying of the stem of the Date-palm tree
Mountain's and rock's saying "Peace be upon you! Oh! Meseenger of Allah". Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What Kind of Miracles Did Prophet Muhammad Perform?
Staff's and baton's turning into swords
Curing the old and ill people
Resurracting the dead
Healing ill and injured people
All his prays are accepted
Animal's testifying His Prophethood through speaking
Jinn's testifying His Prophethood
Angel's obeying His rules
Being protected by Allah
Holy Book's speaking of Him
Predictor's informing about Him
Jinn's called "Hatif" informing about Him before His prophethood
Friends of Allah's informing about Him
Idol's and sacrified animal's informin about Him
The extraordinary incidents happened during His birth
The extraordinary incidients happened troughout His childhood