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 What are the Differences Between Verses Revealed in Mecca and Medina?

What are the attributes of chapters revealed in Mecca compared to those in Medina and what are their differences?




There are 86 chapters.

There are 28 chapters.

Talks mostly on subjects related to faith and morals.

(Such as assigning partners to Allah, idol worship, life in the hereafter, good deeds and sins)

Talks mostly on worships and practices meaning legal issues.

(Practices in exchange, murder, adultery, punishment of theft and slander, marriage and divorce methods)


Verses that start with “Ya ayyuhan-nas (O people!)”

ياايّهاالذين آمنوا

Verses start with “Ya ayyuhal-lazina amanu (O believers)”

Verses are short. It carries the spirit of struggle with a tough style.

Verses are long. Their style is calm.

Appeals to the soul and it is full of sweet musical harmony.

Leads the believers into deep thought and reflection.

Talks about mushriks (polytheists), does not mention Jews and Christians.

Talks about Jews, Christians and hypocrites.

There is no verse about jihad (struggle).

There are verses about jihad (struggle). Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What are the Differences Between Verses Revealed in Mecca and Medina?

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