Articles tagged as " bani israel "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " bani israel "

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Does the Qur'an Contain Everything?

It is said that Quran contains everything. Could you explain this sentence? 12.27.2009 14:17

Does the Qur'an Contain Everything?

It is said that "the Qur'an Contains everything." could you explain this sentence? 10.11.2009 19:09


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alignment of the heels to straighten the row salah is the pillar of islam dream a hundred pray for the guidance of disbeliever dua is essence of worship wine closing eyes night journey sin-evil parent kaffarah rabbana atina revealed books ablution while fasting dogs boy girl relations in Islam sunnahs of friday month of shaban ghusl on jumuah obedience sajda niyet intention allah zakat for deposit evidences of god relationship through phone recitation fast broken proof of shafaah pregnanct planet smell of jannah when to make niyyah for fast doomed to destiny prove solutions for waswasa tawaf seth lying in jest sending blessings on prophet hadiths and ayahs proving hajj fast of ashura love mother memorizer period prostration of thankfulness verse qiyam pleasure and entertainment obey parents necessary ring sexual desire testamentary montenegro language ansar superiority of shaban master of months age of puberty night prayer in ramadan ottoman animal alcoholic drinks ghusl visit graveyard faith of parents of prophet pleasant(latif) feel in the presence of Allah Prophet changed bad names covering importance of salam corpse of pharaoh ayah of muharramat samad prayers of previous ummahs fasting six days of shawwal miracles about trees tarawih is sunnah albania how miraj happened celebrating the mawlid stinginess quality the difference of sunnah qadar in ayahs hadith about kaffara obligatory son of god angel zabur beautiful names of allah does destiny change our beloved prophet did his chores by himself ibadah night of ragaib modern science lying to amuse people

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