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What is the Method of Rhetorical Interrogation?
Could you please explain "What
is the Method of Rhetorical Interrogation?"
The first thing to say is that the “rhetorical” does not mean to deny or to curse. The method of interrogation means to explain the issue by asking question although the answer is known already. In this method, the person who asks the question does not focus on the question. He uses this method for making his explanation much influential.”
In the method of interrogation, the aim is to make the subject understood better, to attract the attention upon a single point and to express the ideas, feelings to the collocutor in such a clear and influential way. Also, in this method it is desired to get the collocutor to understand the subject rather than answering the question.
The method of rhetorical Interrogation is used for the purpose of explaining the unlawfulness of something to the collocutor and to make him think about his wrongdoings by asking questions. Regarding the method of rhetorical interrogation, the eloquent writers stated that the question that is asked indicates the unlawfulness of the wrongdoings from the aspect of law or custom. They have given this example: By asking the question of “Are you trying to prevent the people passing through the road?” to the one who stopped his car in the middle of the road without any reason, it is aimed to show what he did is unlawful and he must stop behaving like that.
Some examples from the Holy Qur’an:
In a verse from the Surat-al Hujurat; 12, there is such an effective method of interrogation, as the meaning of “Do not speak ill of each other behind their backs! Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?”
Also, Surah Ibrahim, 10 “Can there a doubt about Allah, the Creator of heavens and the earth?”
Besides, in a verse from the Surat-al Baqarah; 44 with the meaning of “Do you enjoin right conduct on the people and forget yourselves. And yet you study the Scripture? Will you not understand?”
As for the last example; in the Surat-al Rahman, the verse of “Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?” which is repeated 31 times.
For more information please visit the article titled: “Method of Rhetorical Questioning in the Words of Allah. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What is the Method of Rhetorical Interrogation?”