" Salah (Prayer) "
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What Do the Movements in Prayer Mean?
What do movements of salah such as qiyam, ruku, sujud represent for?
Niyyah (intention of prayer)
: Niyyah is the decision of the heart, declaration of the reasons behind each action. It means to intend saying” yes" to Allah (swt) by accomplishing the commands of Him (swt).
Iftitah Takbir (The Opening Takbir):
By saying Allahu Akbar, we toss out the entire world behind us with our hands and seek refuge in the mercy of Allah (swt). It is to affirm that Allah (swt) is the greatest by saying takbir (Allahu Akbar).
Qiyam (standing):
With this principle in salah (prayer), human beings represent worships of angels and trees which stand up and praise Allah evermore. Qiyam is the humans’ standing before the endless Entity (swt) with their bodies and hearts. The head’s being bowed in qıyam represents the lack of pride and modesty of the heart.
Qira'at (recitation):
Qiraat is to be grateful to Allah's flawless perfection, inimitable beauty and infinite mercy, by saying Alhamdulillah. Also, it is to indicate that all deeds come into existence with the help of Allah and praise is reserved for Allah alone. To be connected to the endless Entity (swt) by saying "(O our Master!) You alone do we worship and from You alone do we plea for help." (“iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nastain)
Ruku' (bowing):
In this state, human beings represent worships of angels who serve Allah in this position consistently and animals that are always standing in ruku' on their four legs. Ruku' means to glorify the great Creator with the entire universe seeing one's weakness and poverty by saying “Subhana rabbiyal azim”… to struggle in order to grow its roots in our heart and in order to raise our head from ruku with the hope of attaining Allah's mercy by repeating the greatness of Allah.
Sujud (prostration):
With this state, human beings represent the worships of angels who serve Allah in sujud continually and reptilians that seem to be almost in prostration all their lives.
Prostration (sajda) is to abandon everything other than Allah (swt) by saying “subhana rabbiyal a’la” in modesty and awe towards Allah's flawless beauty, brilliance, holy names and attributes. "A slave becomes nearest to his Rabb when he is in prostration. So increase supplications in prostrations.'' (Muslim)
Qa'da (sitting):
With this state, human beings represent worships of the angels who serve Allah sitting and also the mountains, rocks seem to be sitting by shape. A human being confirms that everything he owns belongs to Allah by reciting tahiyyah. He renews his faith; by declaring kalima-i shahadah (there is only one God, Allah and prophet Muhammad is his messenger.) In salah - a kind of Miraj for a believer- tashahhud is remembering the holy conversation between Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Allah (swt), during Miraj. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What Do the Movements in Prayer Mean?
iftitah takbir