Articles tagged as " qiyam "

Totally 3 articles have been tagged as " qiyam "

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Does it Spoil the Salah If We Confuse Reciting Surahs?

Does it spoil the salah if we confuse the surahs in Qiyam reciting extra surahs? 9.29.2010 10:04

How Should We Get up for Qiyam (Standing) from Sajdah (Prostration)?

Can we stand up with the help of our hands? What is the provision for standing up from the Sajdah (prostration) to Qiyam? 9.21.2010 14:41

What Do the Movements in Prayer Mean?

What do movements of salah such as qiyam, ruku, sujud represent for? 10.29.2009 11:36


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