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women's covering level of existence transplantation tatol ablution rain prayer tawba nasooh control desires unintentional mistakes ruling on tarawih women in Christianity dua is worship answer to prayer hafsa divine knowledge age for hajj ruling on listening to Quran Pickthall brother Quran and philosophers opposite sex prayers of previous ummahs is shafaah right bulgaria tasawwuf spoil the salah sunnah al muakkada generous cat our beloved prophet’s routine affairs conditions breaking fast refute reancarnation lying for joking atom good morals dress code sawm history unintentional sins salat interregnum scholars tarweeha expiation of masturbation during fast sacrifice worship eligible for zakat jacop iftar hanbali skin of the qurban intermediate state lawh-i mahfuz zakat to foundations pardon ayahs about parents importance of straightening the rows verse beam mani during fast inheritor compulsory to seek knowledge incest srebrenica Corselle praying tarawih in congregation black nonmuslim neighboor dress during salah mercy of allah magic proper time for qada of witr good demons lotion during fast allah active euthanasia significance of ramadan rahmah punishment of backbiting liwa al hamd safari applying cream and wudu fasting and health christmas take soul masturbation butcher innovation corpse of pharaoh jama takheer lying to make people laugh maintaining the ties of kinship reward for fasting ashura ramda engagement qur’an disbeliever Jochahim Durulph god and nafs who to give zakat al fitr pray for the guidance of disbeliever zakat-ul fitr

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