Articles tagged as " prayer of an alcohol drinker "

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Are the prayers of a person who got alcohol not accepted?

Is it true that prayers of a person who had alcohol are not accepted for forty days? 1.10.2013 12:46


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osman al hiri patience allah(swt) message of ashura ruling on tarawih Jesus will come back blessed days justice feet prayer of an alcohol drinker latin one qurbani sufficient for the fmily tarawih is sunnah ibadah addiction prostration of thankfulness menstruation night of power pillars of ıslam ask for pardon congregation omnipotent envy offer iftar friday of ramadan planet sleep equal hadith about kaffara theory of evolution rights of parents do muslims turn to god during salah he gregorian calendar fasting in shawwal medina malaika-i muakkal worship during itikaf meccan chapters prophethood duty authentic jerusalem yazid muslim countries throne of allah affliction lying in jest language of the holy books prophet muhammad(pbuh) tawba 60 laws of nature thawab of tarawih hebrew mukallaf birth of Jesus in Quran weighing the deeds types of backbiting to pray wearing a dress with images evidences of reincarnation proof of shafaah witr prayer whisper of satan evidence of allah eating cat orbit history of hijra realm illness the holy day of Muslims jummah model person ızdirari qadar missing the asr prayer the day of judgment celebrating mawlid an-nabi games of chance wujud miracle of quran hair valid excuses for abandoning fast proofs of muhammad in bible hajj postnatal bleeding natural selection to break ramadan fast a few times fasting 9th of muharram surahs mikaa'eel the last day of dhulhijja hairdresser veil zabh hour wahy ismat dress hadith disaster returning the rights before hajj chores of the prophet anger allah

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