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inheritor quds addictive rape bida-i hasana allah has no beginning scriptures eternal love dua and destiny engagement in Islam eating the food of nonmuslims lawh al mahw wa ithbat eid'ul adha brotherhood reincarnation in Quran sunnahs of jummah eligible for zakat social life ask the deceased for intercession adam past eternal boy girl relations in Islam meaning of reancarnation missed compulsory fast sunnahs of jumuah lust levels of jannah compensate missed witr language of the holy books calender ınjil blessed month haram the month of prophet message of ashura human being reward for fasting ashura convey reward to deceased religious festival decree nisab people exempted from fasting 15th of rajab grave yaqup wage of the butcher pilgrimage tawhid engagement fasting shaban silaturrahim imagination urinate reach ruku rasul what invalidates itikaf importance of straightening the rows injustice masturbation in ramadan Edward Gibbon niyet dua ayahs alignment of the heels to straighten the rows aquarium reason of miraj diviner bounties of jannah muslim women wearing jeans khalifah fast broken form feeding poor intention muslim countries martyr sahaba without performing salat samud true love liwa al hamd star intermediate state jihad in Islam surah najm ısrafel neccesity of Islamic unity prayer of thanks hijrah prayer azazil fasting in war gibril rain prayer nabi intercession with ayah and hadith Prophet changed bad names prophet muhammed (pbuh) laylatu'l qadr treatise fortuneteller commit sin

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