Articles tagged as " tawrat "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " tawrat "

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Which prophets were the holy books sent down to?

Which prophets were given the holy books? Which prophets were given the "suhuf" (pages)? 10.31.2012 15:17

What Makes the Qur’an Superior to the Other Divine Books?

What are the qualifications making the Qur’an the last book and superior to the other holy books? 10.20.2009 12:49


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lying doubt hampers faith rain prayer ıdris heaven take soul intention for ramadan price of a kiss is shafaah right leaving the masjid during itikaf hadith of gabriel madhmadha while fasting jamaah when miraj happened responsible muslim quran wali muhammad's attitute to his wifes stinginess furqaan torments of hell verse ornament women wearing jeans pillars of fast earth reason of miraj fire day of judgment geology virtues of jummah whoever misses the asr prayer things validate fast makruh a'ad follow makkah for iftar performing salah sitting ruh hadith about magic Maryam in Quran wording forgiveness of an infidel forbidden ask for forgiveness of people before hajj dress hadith fasting of a pregnant woman bath on friday noah ragaib signs of laylat al qadr dark what to do in ramadan chapter bad omen in safar ibadah cross overcome jealousy women imitating men being in an environment where there is backbiting allah(swt) ayahs about parents ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom relationship through phone ramadan offer iftar zakat to non muslims dawn zabur ayah and hadith about shafaah obesity waswasa elderly parents muslim christmas night 15th of rajab join prayers controversy adhan adab of prayer sexual intercource month of ramadan wise our beloved prophet’s routine affairs ayah for easy delivery son of god envy when to start fasting six days of shawwal qurban community physical body of god nabiyah sexual intercourse maliki blood transfusion question Eve in Islam itikaf realm of grave hashr hadiths about the date of miraj

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