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literature people exempted from fasting nuh evidence of allah worship of sacrifice fasting of a pregnant woman pray for the guidance of disbeliever signs of laylat al qadr how to overcome masturbation why to seek knowledge hijri calendar salah is the pillar of islam to pray wearing a dress with images fasting three days before ramadan equal zakat for trading goods hadith about repentance night of celebration will of allah the best ramadan body eternal love hair test mother of evils la ilaha illallah zakat to foundations sacrficie stone the devil shuhh celebrating the mawlid importance of fasting ashura realm zakat-ul fitr ring women imitating men warner sufficiency duty fasting girl raped spirituality repentance book of deeds guest nafila fast why is quran arabic fasting during journey celebration iftitah takbir rules reflection rights of a husband in Islam feast human being adornment light intercession ghusl on jumuah relations with people of book non-mahram omnipotence wearing trousers sunnahs of eid hisab to keep chastity merciful trumpet conscience oneness verse greeting women arrogance moisturiser during fast follow makkah for iftar non-changeable destiny suicide importance of fasting muharram doomed to destiny holy days rab muakkada throne of allah nisab benefits of hajj leaving the masjid during itikaf school of law tafseer of Surah al Najm cream with alcohol eating the food of nonmuslims offer iftar zakat of plot nahr torture trade in alcohol laylat-ul qadr charity martyrdom taking care of elderly parents hisab niyyah for ramadan fasting progress

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