Articles tagged as " time zone "

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Creation of Time

What do you think "creation of time" means? do you think it begins from a beginning of a day? Then what should be the begining of time for two people living in two different time zones in earth? 3.13.2012 16:31


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world virtues of jummah bida dar-ul khuld school obesity periclytos shuhh to keep chastity hayd one qurbani for the household delaying zakat apparent nothingness permissible to use miswak one udhiyya for family mustahabb dhulkarnayn commander carriers life food tarwiya speed meccan chapters permanent tattoo prophet muhammed (pbuh) jeans respect for parents atheism asma al-husna torments of hell fasting in old ages salawat qadar in ayahs tasbih give alms revealed books severing family ties one qurbani per person dua for easy delivery justice to children muharramat commit sin reincarnation round beard envier hadrat solomon joking in Islam intention of fast bath ramadan-ul mubarak repentance pilgrimage Quran and western thinkers fast of ramadan birthday od the prophet cave of hira ablution while fasting muslim woman voice duurat-al vaizin science in islam everlasting two consecutive months to receive salam disobey parents in haram aramaic follow makkah for iftar prayer reach ruku month of shaban ruku responsible when to start fasting six days of shawwal importance of praying at night caliphs appoint feeding cat fasting in shawwal zakat for reserved gold astronomy waswas salvation nabiyah paradox rights of parents crescent value of ramadan eight niyyah for i’tikaf wet dream things validate fast expiation of masturbation while fasting qur'an stop talking for three days fasting during breastfeeding racism wife of paradise prophets’ supplications confidant with nonmuslims reckoning forbidden

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