Articles tagged as " khulafa al rashidun "

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Contributed by Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, PhD 1.12.2012 23:14


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Prophet changed bad names dhulhijja seeing allah bad manners rights of a husband in Islam earth keeping dogs at home will resurrection allah created adam in his image recite quran at grave decree who can receive zakat speak during khutba how to spend the ramadan in the best way hairless destiny changes day of judgment mothers in Islam the preserved tablet qiyam anger rabial akhir female witness in Islam Khaybar unbeliver saw Allah testamentary jamaah deposit injection during fast immortal process of fiqh silver ring wage of the butcher tayammum gift noor sexual problem ghilman animal ask for forgiveness of people before hajj hadith of gabriel trinity nisab osman al hiri proof of intercession elder intelligence dwellers of grave kill manners of i’tikaf to pray for nonbeliever houri zakat for plot magic in ıslam medication hadiths and ayahs proving hajj qadar in ayahs hurry for hajj imperfect worship do iftar according to makkah zakat for deposit dawud guide hadiths about hajj laws of nature importance of praying at dawn messenger fasting in shawwal the difference of sunnah essence ı am ı mukallaf appoint tenuous praying tarawih in congregation quds celebrate the eid tags: food free-will commit a sin sawm adornment combine prayers repent itiqaf azraeel greet evidence of allah godless ruling on listening to Quran who to give zakat al fitr conditions of quitting ramadan fast cleaning teeth while fasting sharia marriage in shaban niyyah for i’tikaf conditions of clothing during salah zakat-ul fitr

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