Articles tagged as " testifying "

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sadaqah al fitr presence of god combination of salahs proper time for qada of witr trouble trimming eyebrows slaughter fatimi the day before eid salam prostration ihsan toilet manners hands below the navel in salah 10 muharram four caliphs black dress to pray for polytheist dress code for praying valid excuses for abandoning fast infidel offer iftar akhlaq to apply moisturiser during fast child orbit period of iddah ejaculation during fast mikael keep promise invitation of a nonmuslim masturbation during fast good morals get blood drawn during fast science in islam zakat to foundations telling lies malaika-i muakkal abortion iman iman-i tahqiqi alcohol isra ask the deceased for intercession is destiny fixed where to place hands in salah laws of nature cleaning teeth while fasting iblis recite quran at grave zayd medicine cruelty operation zakaah al fitr pray for the guidance of disbeliever backbiting tasbih tartil alqamah iftitah takbir 61 days technology age of salah names of allah zakat for committed money black miser dua is essence of worship say salam preeternity dua for waswasa fasting in muharram brotherhood in Islam haram umm-ul kitaab ikhtiyari qadar conscience pumpkin sexual intercource zakat of debtor everlasting son of god disobedience to parents ayah about five daily prayers the day of arafa sexual gratification khorasan period-delaying iradah spouse Quran and philosophers shahadah fitr recommended acts of worship in ramadan islamic calendar born hamala-i mumtasil haram archangels

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