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Islamic belief in prophets fall in love in ıslam lustful thoughts during fast solar year halal importance of istighfar niyyah importance of salah reaction to backbiting waswas straightening the rows forbidden who can receive zakat seek knowledge Carlyle rhetorical shuhh fasting muawiya dhikr proof of shafaah celebrating mawlid an-nabi kaffarah for ramadan fast desires in jannah sinner masturbation during fast cave of hira ascension period of itikaf dhulhijjah fard-i kifaya character naseehah events in hijra date entitled to receive zakat eating the food of nonmuslims ruling on listening to Quran wudu while fasting model person tawheed supreme worship in itikaf sadaqah al fitr qamah sculpture envier staff turning into sword jamada al akhir bad omen in safar name belief in qadar mustahabb marital relations prophet's month remembrance mistake ihsan satan last ten days of ramadan istighfar one udhiyya for family side-effect expiation of masturbation while fasting is destiny fixed dua and fate birth evidences of hajj being obligatory qasas-ul anbiya black dress feel Allah all the time question revealed books alim rights of a husband in Islam qıyamah refute reancarnation unintentional mistakes doomed to destiny form of Allah night prayer in ramadan tawaf al ziyarat sharia IUD passive euthanasia boy girl relations in Islam kafir qiyam young muslims lotion during fast blood fasting on ashura charity coincidence people in jannah punishment of backbiting people of book the bible resurrection shia

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