Articles tagged as " gabriel "

Totally 10 articles have been tagged as " gabriel "

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Which angels are mentioned in the Quran?

What are the names of the angels mentioned in the Quran? 11.28.2012 16:54

What is the Hadith of Gabriel?

4.27.2011 00:19

Has Anyone Seen Angels?

Is it possible for people to see the angels? Did our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) see Gabriel in his genuine appearance? 1.27.2011 23:52

What Kind of Miracles Did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Perform?

Could you give an example for each miracle Our Prophet performed? 8.8.2010 12:44

What do “archangels” mean?

Which angels are the "archangels" and what are their duties? 1.26.2010 20:00

Has Quran Been Distorted?

Is not it possible that Quran has been distorted like the other revealed books? 8.12.2009 23:04

The Duties of the Angels

With which duties are the angels entrusted and is their number far more than the human beings? 8.6.2009 14:33

Do Angels Have Wings?

Do angels have wings as told? 5.5.2011 20:47

Has the Quran Been Distorted?

Is not it possible that the Quran has been distorted like the other revealed books? 7.7.2009 02:40

What Do Angels Do After Finishing Their Duties?

Gabriel was entrusted with carrying the revelation to the prophets. So what does Gabriel do now, because there are no prophets anymore? Also, will the duty of angels, like Kiraman-Katibin (honourable recorders) that are related to the humans, be ended after the day of judgment (qıyamah)? 12.7.2009 15:29


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