What does "sin" mean? Why does God create sins that lead people to the hell?
9.21.2010 16:49
While performing salah unintentional and bad thoughts are coming to our minds. Do these thoughts damage our salah or not?
12.16.2009 16:08
Isn't it possible to reach Allah only via the mind but without the prophets?
7.17.2010 09:11
Is there any evidence about the existence of Allah?
9.20.2009 16:25
While performing salah unintentionally wicked and bad thoughts are coming to our minds. Do these thoughts damage our salah or not?
9.3.2009 23:44
Ranging from the atoms to the stars an extraordinary harmony is observed throughout the universe. Two alternatives are in question for this excellent and harmonic composition’s coming into existence.
5.28.2011 15:50