Articles tagged as " kitaabullah "

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What Is the “Qur’an”?

What is the Qur'an and what is the definition of it? 8.26.2009 15:18


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intention for i’tikaf reincarnation in Quran young muslims befriending nonmuslims open wound ibadah quds feel in the presence of Allah woman clothing overcome jealousy our beloved prophet’s routine affairs children of paradise marital relations recite quran at grave crack of dawn miracles of muhammad proper time for qada of witr knowledge hadith wife permission for polygamy angels in the ayahs the preserved tablet bath religion throne of allah hijra zakat to nonmuslims destiny changes ajal losing sexual desires patient wali breaking ramadan fast intentionally fard parts of salah water runs from his fingers ihtilam najran christians hisab zayd barysphere shia etiquette srebrenica genocide hair intention for ramadan Muaz Bin Jabal mistake waswasa after salah awliya hajj is fard gambling zakat to non-muslims past eternity importance of name zakat for loan everlasting cutting hair during menstruation beam submission pardon ruling on tarawih lawh al mahfuz analogy khulafa al rashidun zakat to other countries abrogation greeting women commander carriers sinner the bible ruling on listening to Quran creat solutions for waswas nabiyah surah hadrat solomon kaaba one qurbani sufficient for the fmily islamic perpective on lying whoever misses the asr prayer mazi during fast qurbani men women equality eligible for zakat whispers of shaitan pay zakat to masjid greece weighing the deeds doomed to destiny to receive salam ghusl on jummah lie slaughtering turkey relation during engagement death is a part of life day of judgment shukr prayer muakkada applying cream and salah belief in qadar working in a pub

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