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If God Created Us, Then Who Created God?

How come Allah is eternal? If Allah created us, then who created Allah? 5.7.2011 01:09


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x-ray isra pillars of faith one udhiyya suffices for the household non-existence levels of jannah the dead jamada al akhir servitude does shower break fast importance of straightening the rows animals hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj things invalidating fast jiin calamity fasting in shawwal night skin of the qurban modesty rights of parents omnipotent friday go to masjid against parents age of puberty procreation women in Quran marriage forbiddance closing eyes ka'ba prophethood sending blessings on prophet permissible to use miswak adolesence asking during khutbah mani haram (forbidden things) halal hadith night of power how long to stay in itikaf fast broken date of miraj nifas and hayd during fast makrooh sexual intercource price of a kiss ansar dar-us salaam omar forgiveness in shaban stop talking for three days will of allah to endure the difficulties of long fasting to find lost goods british museum four wives parent throne of allah contemplation affliction muslim countries postnatal bleeding kinship memorizer tawaff-e ziyarat backbiting lawh-i mahfuz food multiplication miracle wahy changeable destiny dajjal omnipotence zakat for plot fasting ramadan drinking envier visit graveyard the day of judgment zakat is fitr Thomas Carlyle jamarat name ejaculation due to look during fast catastrophe to apply moisturiser during fast ummu subyan virtues of friday sun ill partner salawat science and sleeping sunnah forgiveness istinshaq surah najm preference men over women pray for forgiveness ibsadah fard al-ayn disrespect to parents

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