Articles tagged as " madhmadha "

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Is fast broken when water goes into the throat and nose while performing wudu?

I sniff water strongly in order for water to get further into the nasal while performing wudu, as I know that’s the proper way. However, I learnt that when water gets into the nasal, fast is broken. What should I do? 8.12.2011 01:00


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azraeel open wound najran covering testfying of souls hereafter things that break fast khutbah defeatist paraclete tasbih saw Allah rebellion prayer with trousers istinshaq angels mentioned in Quran after death complete the first rows maltreatmant toward parents laws of nature mortal reancarnation animal hands above the navel in salah bad deeds of the dead revelation reward for fasting ashura red sea compulsory to seek knowledge racism bleeding caused by IUD throne of allah obey parents beautification food multiplication miracle night of celebration abraham give alms miracles of Jesus keeping Quran in the bedroom family ties Orientalist Sedio pray for the guidance of disbeliever sunnahs of eid duurat-al vaizin wine dua zaynab mirror meaning of reancarnation eloquence eating the food of nonmuslims Dr. City Youngest marital relations dissemination la ilaha illallah jealousy hikmah worst major sins immortal sending blessings on prophet character divine knowledge jannah iddah patient hajj in ayahs and hadiths why believe in destiny kaffarah for ramadan fast catastrophe signs of muhammad in bible types of nationalism realm of souls islamic perpective on lying hadrat funeral method model zakat for the lent money mahshar reasons of backbiting book of deeds nicotine Islamic belief in prophets groups eligible for zakat goodness muayada lying to amuse people prophet jesus (pbuh) time of death hand ummah adolesence educational methods of Muhammad ghilman feeding cat Quran and philosophers zakah polytheism manners of i’tikaf

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