Articles tagged as " ayahs about lying "

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What is Lying?

What is the Islamic perspective on lying? 7.28.2011 21:01


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leaving the masjid during itikaf fasting in the moth of shawwal 21.verse of Surah al Najm dhulhijjah compulsory prayers greeting i'jaz arkan al islam education vaccination during fast dhimmi superiority of shaban biology dress with image fitr to pray for polytheist realm of souls pharaoh worship in shaban tarwiya disbelief penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally eid al fitr spend on relatives human being flirt during engagement furqaan see refute reancarnation islamic perpective on lying earth tawaf people of fatrat adam why to turn to kaaba during salah hadiths about hajj worship of sacrifice hadith maltreatmant toward parents blessed month solutions for waswas dejavu end of the world makruh of salah tarwiha name Carlyle nabiyah jama taqdeem drinking valid excuses for abandoning fast kaffarah for a few times zakat to non muslims qadar in hadiths dua for easy delivery importance of straightening the rows bonds between Muslims spoiled fast liwa-ul hamd dolls in islam fard cream during fasting christmas dua for Omar Khattab mahram treatise relationship through phone muharramat shuhh keeping dogs zakat to Islamic organizations srebrenica genocide waswas complete the first rows zakat for trading goods nahr planet fortune women in Quran month of ummah commit a sin inheritance azazil yazid history pray for the guidance of disbeliever hanafi sufficiency duty dua ayahs prayer with trousers laylat al baraat dwellers of grave menstruating women visiting graveyards sirat get up for sahur throne of allah muhammad in bible days forbidden to fast woman clothing

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