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What does “Ashura" Mean?

What is "ashura"? What is the importance of "the Day of Ashura"? 1.12.2012 14:20


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realm kaffarah for ramadan killing animals shawwal or qada ummah medina ghaybah Khaybar purpose of mankind month of shawwal hairless types of nationalism zakat on fixed deposit who to give zakat al fitr tawbah social school of law enemy letter wildan reflect upon najis israafeel lie as a joke acceptance of imperfect worship to apply moisturiser during fast how long to stay in itikaf sperm niyyah for i’tikaf tawba 60 tawaf al ziyarat plugging eyebrows meccan chapters Maryam in Quran spend on relatives treasure applying cream and salah verses worldly benefits of belief kursy spoiled fast order mukarrab malaika of arsh obeying the orders of allah sincerity elder the day of judgment sending blessings on prophet benefits of fasting gabriel bulgaria silver ring boy girl relations in Islam umrah ask for forgiveness pious nabi why facing the kaba believe in unseen informing future reviving parents invitation of a nonmuslim one udhiyya for family returning rights to the owners answer to prayer polytheism conveyance shariah forgiveness non-changeable destiny prayers of one who drinks alcohol muhammad in bible rakahs of tarawih inheritence proper time for qada of witr noah's flood Edmond animal toys predetermine abort peace nur montenegro professors ıslam to receive salam intention for ramadan charity fragrance of jannah covenant adn astronomy alcohol to keep chastity qiraat to complete and straighten the rows in sunnah witr prayer christmas night day of judgement fasting girl raped

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