" Sawm (Fasting) "
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Is it Enough for a Person to Compensate the Fast Later, If It is Broken for Some Reason?
When something that may spoil or break the fast happens, is Kafarah is required? Or is it just enough to compensate the fast at a later time?
Is it enough for a person to compensate the fast later, if it is broken for some reason?
Compensating the fast is enough, Kafarah is not required.
Although the fast is not broken, people who keep on eating and drinking thinking that their fast is broken have to compensate their fasts day by day. There is no need for them for Kafarah (60 Days of Fasting in return for each day). There are different examples of those in fiqh books.
If a person drinks and eats at a time that he thinks is night and if it is realized later it was not night and if someone thinks that his fast is broken because of eating and drink mistakenly out of forgetfulness and if he keeps on eating and drinking, he should only compensate his fast. (from the book Fiqh According to the Four Madhab) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Is it Enough for a Person to Compensate the Fast Later, If It is Broken for Some Reason?