Articles tagged as " tattoo "

Totally 3 articles have been tagged as " tattoo "

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Is Plastic Surgery Permissible?

"Satan said: ...."I will order them to change the nature created by Allah."... (Surat-u Nisa, 119) 1.24.2011 14:54

Is It Permissible to Remove or Fix or Plug the Eyebrows?

Is it permissible for women and men to fix,plug or remove the eyebrows? 9.7.2010 06:16

Is it permissible to have permanent tattooes?

Is it permissible to have permanent tattooes? Is it true that tattooes are an impedement to ghusul (total ablution)? If so, what should someone with permanent tattoo do? 6.3.2010 23:53


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