Articles tagged as " people of book "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " people of book "

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Is Befriending non Muslims Forbidden in Islam?

I befriend and welcome non Muslims to enlighten them about Islam. According to Islam, am I wrong? 6.21.2011 00:41

Is It Appropriate to Eat from the Alawi People?

Is it appropriate to eat what is served in an Alawi friend’s house? Is it lawful and halal? 9.27.2010 10:45


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people of fatrat prophet muhammad 21.verse of Surah al Najm mother silence during khutba materialism divorce in Islam fiancee urinate salah eternal love weighing the deeds father eid prayer sunnah al muakkada fasting in the moth of shawwal adhan muslim scientists salah on a chair grave reward ruling on keeping Quran in the bedroom tafseer of Surah al Najm expiation of masturbation during fast name date ansar manners of i’tikaf hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj doomed to destiny sculpture letter celebrating the mawlid days forbidden to fast ruyatullah ikhtiyari qadar four caliphs faith of parents of prophet reancarnation form of Allah pages nafilah photo fate fall in love in ıslam congregational prayer divine religions creat dressing code H.Leider ajb al-zanab conditions of clothing during salah jihad alignment of the heels to straighten the rows allah deny fasting hamala-i mumtasil jurisprudence value of nisab marital activity invalidating fast fasting in old ages men women equality merciful fast expressions of respect miser Dr. City Youngest ramadan creation of universe feel in the presence of Allah Eve in Islam sun ejaculation due to thoughts during fast pagan musailama-ı kazzab age of salah pious women in Bible zakat ayah unmarriageable female relatives stone the devil individual duty jewellery qurbani hikmah gospel kaffara salutation christianity muslim working in pub pay zakat to masjid Corselle crescent convert changes name fasting ramadan where is god azrael jesus arafa colour of fire

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