Articles tagged as " rasul "

Totally 3 articles have been tagged as " rasul "

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What Does Nabi Mean?

What does "nabi" mean? 5.17.2011 23:46

Why Did Allah Not Send a "Female Prophet"?

Why did Allah not create any female prophets? Are there any female prophets that we dont know? 7.28.2010 19:08

What is the Difference Between Nabi and Rasul?

Is there any distinction between Nabi and Rasul? If so, what is it? 7.23.2010 19:10


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disobedience to parents lying to make people laugh jama takheer muhammad mentioned in bible Dr. City Youngest premarital relationship fall in love in ıslam eid al adha avail family mustahabb recitation to pray wearing a dress with images the preserved tablet miracles of muhammad hadith about kaffara types of backbiting relationship calamity skin of the qurban remembrance food patience tasawwuf recommended acts of worship in ramadan nisab angels mentioned in Quran who can receive zakat hadiths on sending blessings the wisdom of sins vaccination during fast malaika-i muakkal hanafi soothsayer dhulkarnayn pray for forgiveness new year's eve tawafuq paraclete deed torments of hell zakat and solidarity celebrating mawlid an-nabi prayers not accepted for 40 days mina revelation conscious to love swimming while fasting individual duty celebrating the new year ask for forgiveness of people before hajj tawaf al ziyarat doomed to destiny fast of ramadan inheritance of an unmarried lady Thomas Carlyle imperfect worship light returning rights to the owners paraklytos faith of parents of prophet atheism fall in love proofs of .Jesus returning malak crescent symbol qamah dwellers of grave is shafaah right Corselle greeting otoman state smoking ahad fıqh wet dream age of salah ask for forgiveness cleaning cream before salah lailat ul baraat proofs of Isa returning intercession with ayah and hadith defending the person they are backbiting about parents punishment importance of hajj Islamic belief in prophets telling lies interregnum tenet testifying school of law sidrat-ul muntaha the best ramadan cleaning teeth while fasting laylat al qadr muhammad in bible end of the world zakat on shares

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